RBT Bundle: RBT Continuing Education Library
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Special Learning’s RBT Continuing Education: Professional Development Library offers unlimited access to our most popular training products which include Autism and Applied Behavior Analysts (ABA).
Our RBT Continuing Education: Professional Development Library offers 12 total hours on topics including challenging behaviors, Ethics, Social Skills, Sensory Processing Disorder, ADHD, and more to provide a well-rounded training and educational experience for any BT or RBT in the field of Behavior Analysis.
Webcasts included in the Library:
- ABCs of Sensory Processing Disorder: Where Do I Start?
- ADD/ADHD Training Series: Q&A with Dr. Ronald T. Brown, PhD
- Social Skills Part 1: Toddler to Preschool Social Skills
- Social Skills Part 2: Elementary Social Skills Predictors of future success
- Social Skills: Cool Ideas for Cool Kids
- Severe Problem Behavior
- Review of the RBT Ethics Code
- RBT® Ethics Code & Scenarios-Q & A (for RBTs)
NOTE: The BACB will no longer offer remote testing for the RBT examination beginning September 1, 2023. As of that date, candidates must take the examination in person at an authorized testing center. Click on the "Find the Test Center" link on the right panel of the site to find a testing center near your area https://home.pearsonvue.com/bacb.
The general context of the webinar is relevant, however, it is important to review the changes in the ethical code to ensure all areas are covered.
TIMELINE: After activation of the license code, you have 365 days to access the training.
MANDATORY DISCLAIMER: The Behavior Analyst Certification Board (“BACB”) does not sponsor, approve, or endorse Special Learning, the materials, information, or sessions identified herein.
NOTE: CEs claimed on any training completed can only be claimed once. If you repeat training you’ve already claimed CEs on, you won’t be able to claim the CEs again. Please ensure you have not already completed and claimed the CEs for the training module before purchase. Want to customize your training? You can build your own CE library HERE. See our main page! For cancellations and refunds, please see our return policy.
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